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Not sure what you want to do in life, or which path you should take? Embark on a purposeful career path with more certainty.

Since 2015, MentorsHub has helped more than 200 young adults transition from studies or first jobs, to fulfilling, impactful career paths.
One-on-one personalised youth mentorship
Life and strengths coaching
Networking sessions
Skills workshops

Fast Facts


in programme value per mentee per year


highly experienced world-class mentors across 20+ industries

>200 years

of collective work experience across our board and excos

Of the 10 measures of impact MentorsHub is known to create, the top 3 are


Better equipped to overcome challenges


Clearer life direction


Increased knowledge

*Based on yearly average across 2020-2022

If you're looking for clarity on your passion, purpose or career, MentorsHub's mentorship programme is perfect for you.
Diverse Mentor Pool

Specially tailored one-on-one mentorship based on mentee's needs

Strong Network

Support from mentors, other mentees, coaches & other partners

Enhanced Self-discovery

Better understanding of your strengths, passions & values


Do I need a mentor in Singapore?

Yes! It's okay to not have all the answers. That's why having a career mentor is useful.


Gain insights, knowledge and advice from someone with extensive experience in their field. Avoid mistakes, learn how to take risks, and receive support during transitions or challenges. Plus, get closer to your career goals even if you're just starting out.


Source: Together Platform US

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Studies have shown...

Mentored employees receive higher compensation and more promotions compared to non-mentored employees

Mentored individuals have more job satisfaction and feel more positively about their organizations as a whole

Mentored individuals feel empowered by their mentoring relationships and developed greater confidence

MentorsHub's success is thanks to the contributions of our partners and mentors.
To be a corporate sponsor or partner, please contact us. We always welcome collaboration!
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